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what is your medium?

Your art is your own. Your medium is your way of expressing yourself and your thoughts.



Now, think about how other people interact with your medium. How do they feel about it? Is it accessible? How can you make it as accessible as possible?

There are too many things wrong with the world today. Too many problems, too many conflicts. These have serious effects on people's health, both physical and mental. Sometimes, artwork can be a reprieve from the toll of news headlines. Not to be morbid, but here are just a few issues we have going on today:
  • adolescent mental health
  • sexual abuse
  • domestic violence
  • climate change/global warming 
  • poverty
  • educational gaps 
  • racism 
All of these issues intersect. How can you address more than one? How does your audience impact the way you address one of these issues?
what do you care about?

Need more problems to care about? 

Read the news.

who is your audience?

Different groups of people interact with art in different ways. Therefore, picking a specific audience and targeting your work towards them is an effective way of influencing a group as much as you can. This also allows the chosen audience to feel connected to the artist, which also improves the influence of the art. 

Different issues disproportionately affect different audiences, or affect them in different ways. For example, the way one addresses mental health for adolescents is different from the way it is addressed to adults. Tailoring messages to fit an audience is the first step towards creating change. 

spread your work!

Once you have completed your work of art, whatever that may be, reaching it to your audience is integral to promote public health awareness and well-being. This presentation's effectiveness depends on the location, timing, and accessibility of the art. 

If you are tailoring your message towards high schools, think of places that high schools often frequent, both physically and through technology. Where is the adolescent presence most commonly found? On the flip side, through which avenue are adolescents themselves most trusting of incoming messages? 

One very important aspect of spreading your artwork is to think about accessibility. If a specific audience does not have access to certain technology or venues of sharing (such as magazines or newspapers), you must be creative in approaching them with your work. This can include pop-ups in various locations, going door-to-door with a pamphlet, or offering multiple showings of a performance at different times of day in different districts of a city. 

Leave no stone unturned in your path to create change. 

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